Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions you may have about how we can help you heal.

Contact Dave at (970) 379-5197

Contact Debbie at (970) 379-6978 regarding Neurological and Aquatic Physical Therapy. Schedule directly with her for these services.

818 Colorado Avenue, Suite 300
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601



The Weidemann Physical Therapy Office is located at 818 Colorado Avenue, Suite 300 in the Balcomb and Green attorneys building. You may park in the parking lot on the south side of the building. There are non-reserved spots in the center of the parking lot. Enter the building through a stairway on the south side of the building (Not the front door facing Colorado Avenue). Walk up the stairs to the top floor and the Weidemann Physical Therapy office is directly down the hallway. We also provide aquatic therapy treatments at various local pool locations.

Dave’s Office Hours are Monday to Friday from 8AM to 5PM. Appointments outside those times are often available by request.

Contact Debbie directly for her current appointment time availability.
(970) 379-6978